I play on many different MMOs, today I have a doctor's appointment so I decided I would jump on Neverwinter and get some stuff done. Oops! Maintenance until noon? :P Oh well I decided to come here and present you with a short list of different players who inhabit all online games of this nature. This is just a list of players I see in ALL games and not just Neverwinter.
"This game is dead." - No matter what the game may be or how long it has successfully ran online. This player is present to tell everyone to just go home because no one is playing it anymore. They will stand among the crowd shout into the heavens that the end is nigh and we need to all leave. Drink the kool-ade and call it a day.
"Dungeon Dashers" - This player runs the dungeons, missions, quests like his pants are on fire. Worse yet, he leaves you plenty of angry monsters in his wake. If you are too slow and the game allows him, he kick you out of the group. Also he jumps a lot because he believes it will increase his speed.
"Nothing to do or No content" - They stand around in chat exclaiming there is little to nothing to do. This game lacks serious content. When you invite them to go on a dungeon delve or raid, they make some lame excuse as why they can't or tell you they did it a hundred times.
"3D Chat Room Yakkers" - These people don't play, they stand about and treat the game as one would IMVU or Second Life. They discuss religion, politics, and ethics. I cannot stress this enough, if you have a worth while cause, why would you be hanging out in a video game trying to influence people? I would be out in the real world where it matters and try to make a difference. But these people will talk about anything in general, just nothing to do with the game.
"Everyone sucks at playing this game but me" - I have been here once or twice... ok a lot more. But yes this player believes he can play the game better, knows more statistical information than those who programmed the game. Sadly tho the player is probably pretty bad in their efforts but is blind to their predicament.
"I am so much more mature than you." - Once this player finds out they are older than you... just put your thumb in your mouth and sit in the corner. They are going to treat you like a 12 year old, even if you are 28.
"The Quitter or I quit" - ugh, how many times have we read this in both game chats and forums like this... "They changed the color of the Icy Sword of Haste, that is it! Game Over man! I quit!" or another annoying version of this is the player who begs you to help him with a dungeon and after wiping only one time, he leaves the party or rage quits.
"The older version was much better." - Epic sigh. Sure there are always going to be "nostalgia players" but please, if the game doesn't add new content, they will lose players. These people tend not to point out bugs caused by new content but just complain about the presence of new content.
"Egotist or Drama queen" - They are special people and worse yet they know it. The game revolves around them after all, it was made for them to be a star. This person has to be the most loved player by the game company, because they will drop lots of cash just to let others know they did. They treat the game as if it is their own personal property and remind all the rest of us how unimportant we are in their world.
"Elitist or Sob" - These players believe their DPS can beat your momma so hard you will feel it. In most games you will easily recognize them as the player standing in the best suit of armor the game has to offer usually dyed black. If they belong to a guild, it has to be the equivalent of a country club or lodge hall where only the best of the best reside. There is more than likely a sign at the door saying "No one under level 60 allowed.".
Ok there is my list of player stereotypes I have encountered. What kind of player are you? Do you see yourself on this list? Can you think of a type I missed?
Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident; the only earthly certainty is oblivion. ~ Mark Twain
ah, nope my cult membership card is for the "Cult of Fun!" sorry. oh look free kool-ade weekend is coming up soon. I always miss those.
Good job!
The "Why can't they stay dead!" player. Goes on and on about how they've killed monster X for the hundredth time. Eternally amazed that a new module would include new dailies to grind. Thinks it's hilarious that Elminster can just reverse time when Tiamat 'wins'.
"The Fishing Snob". Makes frequent reverences to literary classics like 'A river runs through it' or 'The old man and the sea'. Firmly believes that it's impossible to capture man's heroic struggle with this worthy foe in a digital environment. Shudders at the thought of how much more the game can degrade this noble pursuit by actually putting them to sea in an (no doubt) inappropriate wooden vessel.
I may have identified myself in the first and third type, the second just irritates me - suspend disbelief already, why don't you?
Which made me think of "Role-Players with Over Active Imaginations". Since I play a female wood elf, who is also a blind ranger, I might fall into this category. She aims on sense of smell and sound.
I've read a few threads on speed-running and yeah, I get what it's like from their point of view. But, you know, some of us play for fun? As in that our livelihood doesn't depend on it? Wouldn't it actually be less time-consuming for the them to form loose groups of people with whom to run Dungeons? ... Or, I assume, it's got bad enough (so to speak) that the majority of NW players are speed-runners. Though I can't imagine why you'd want to keep playing if you only do it to get AD and the next Best Armour/Dye/Mount ever. Status and adulation? Yeah but, see, the game is where the people are.
As for the chatters, I don't mind them chatting but when you are passing through PE and see the same unique name over and over, day after day. You get the idea this person is just talking and not actually playing.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Another one that comes to mind is the I Don't Know Hows, who are terminally incapable of using Google or checking the forums for an answer before flooding the chat with questions and/or posting a new topic re: whatever issue they're having.
Always yelling at his teamates cause nothing is ever his fault. Constantly trash talking in chat and does nothing else in the game but pvp. Thinks PvErs are wussies.
*slight dig at mods* The Ignore List Quitter is getting away with his nefarious actions by a new enlightened approach from the mods who are presumably furthering their own well meaning agendas by allowing The Ignore List Quitter to pad the posts where they themselves give great advice to the devs on how to improve the game.
IMO, we should have forum badges for those. I can win at least a couple.
Seen a few of those, where they are so set on being the best that they essentially lose money, effort and time rushing towards that goal and then complains about what they've lost getting there only for the goal post to be moved with the release of new content? :P
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia